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14 May 2024 at 17:00:00

House of Nerds, Vulkan, Oslo, Norway

Tuesday Night: Reaching into the Past and Modelling Climates of the Future

Today's talented Speakers!
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Sara Callegaro

University of Oslo, Centre for Planetary Habitability

Large Igneous Provinces: listening to warnings from past volcanoes - Sara Callegaro

Large Igneous Provinces are massive volcanic episodes that occurred in the geologic past, often associated with severe environmental and climatic consequences. Their outstanding size and the fact that humans never witnessed such events make them still rather mysterious. The mechanisms through which volcanism affected global climate and ecosystems are the best analogs of human-caused global change.

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Thale Damm-Johnsen

Durham University

What the stomach content of an Antarctic seabird can tell us about past climate - Thale Damm-Johnsen

2023 became a year of record low sea ice in Antarctica, there is no doubt that anthropogenic climate change is reaching our Southernmost continent. However, contextualising changes in sea ice we see today is difficult because we have little information on how Antarctic sea ice has reacted to changes in past climate. A new technique, consisting of snow petrel bird vomit might give us more hints.

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Tim Carlsen

University of Oslo

A snowy cushion: how melting ice crystals may help offset climate change

Climate change is one of the largest challenges facing humanity today, and a big unknown is how clouds will change in a warming world: will they amplify or offset the warming caused by us? Future warming could lead to less ice crystals and more liquid droplets in clouds, acting to limit future warming. But is this the whole story, and how could tiny particles in the air change everything?

Tuesday Night: Reaching into the Past and Modelling Climates of the Future
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