On the last day, we will talk about the energy needs in Norway and how we can use the Arctic indigenous knowledge.

Arctic Indigenous languages and revitalization: an online educational resource
Are you curious about the Arctic and the Peoples who call it home? Linnea Nordström from the UiT University Library will speak about the recently launched Arctic Indigenous Peoples languages map. From the interactive online map, you can discover the languages of the region and what is being done to revitalize them and pass knowledge on to future generations. The map resource is Open Access and was made through international collaboration between Indigenous organizations and educational institutions.
The map was made in the project “Arctic Indigenous languages and revitalization: an online educational resource”. From 2021 through early 2023, the project gathered Indigenous leaders, youth, and language revitalization practitioners, linguists and academic language experts, GIS and website design specialists to develop the map and dataset.
Visit the project website to view the interactive online map (https://arctic-indigenous-languages-uito.hub.arcgis.com/) , read a StoryMap about language revitalization, download the datasets, and learn more about the project, experts involved, and sources used.

van Greevenbroek
Do we need wind energy in Norway?
NO: Kva har forskinga å seie om planlegginga av straumnettet vårt? Er det verkeleg naudsynt med vindkraft i Noreg eller er det godt nok å effektivisere forbruket?
Noreg styrar mot eit underskot i straum grunna elektrifisering av fossil industri og transport, og forskinga mi handlar om å kartleggja vala vi har fram mot 2050. Det visar seg at det finnes eit stort moglegheitsrom!

UiT – The Arctic University of Norway
Sailing with the Inughuit: Sovereign States, Arctic Indigenous Peoples and Motion in the Sea
Did you know that maritime zones, borders, and lines on the sea are not the sole means of governing ocean space? Apostolos Tsiouvalas from UiT will discuss how international law of the sea regulates motion in the sea and what Arctic Indigenous communities think about moving across and with the sea! Drawing insights from his fieldwork with the Inughuit people, the northernmost Inuit group in the world, Apostolos will question the conventional understanding of motion in Western thought and try to (re)conceptualize ocean space guided by the oceans’ very peoples.