Recent years have seem dramatic events, from major eathquakes to the fall of authoritarian governments entagling the fight for freedom of speech with online misinformation. Tonight we explore how AI can help fight fake news and at the same time how essential free speech online is. And not to forget: earthquakes!

University of Stavanger and Factiverse
Zero trust: Combating misinformation with machine learning
Trust is essential for a democracy. Online misinformation has become rampant in recent years, threatening the trust. Automated fact-checking using AI models has shown promising results to combat misinformation, thanks to several large-scale datasets which are available. In this talk, I will discuss how machine learning and AI can help in combating online misinformation.

University of Stavanger
Zero Richter Scale: Autonomous seismic acquisition
This presentation will focus on a project aimed at improving geophysical data acquisition for near-surface imaging through the use of autonomous multi-scale and multi-physics platforms. The goal is to develop low-cost manned and unmanned acquisition systems that can simultaneously gather multiple types of data, resulting in a multi-physics dataset that significantly improves subsurface imaging.